

The purpose of the Emergency Management Training is to provide the blueprint for integrating Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery-related training and exercise activities into a comprehensive program. A successful program incorporates vulnerabilities and/or risks associated with the campus and the identified hazards, current events, policy, regulations, and industry best practices.

You can also view Various on demand training in the UC Learning Center

  • Emergency Information for Faculty and Instructions in the Classroom
  • Fire & Life Safety for Residence Halls

    Fire & Life Safety for Residence Halls

    Overview of fire safety for Housing Residence Halls staff. Topics include: Fire Prevention, Fire Protection, (what to do) In case of Fire, and Fire Extinguishers.

    Length: 15 min     Type: eCourse (online training) 

  • Fire Extinguisher Training

    Fire Extinguishers

    Introduction to use of a portable fire extinguisher. Topics include: Common Types of Fires, and PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) technique. 

    Copyright: 2012     Time: 4.5 min     Type: eCourse (online training) 

  • Responding to a Crisis Situation (RAIN)

    Overview of how to respond to an active shooter. Topics include: What is an active shooter? R.A.I.N technique, and What to expect during an incident.

     Length: 13 min          Type: eCourse (online training)

  • Safety Orientation

    Safety Orientation *Required Training

    Overview of safety fundamentals, injury & illness prevention, and emergencies for all faculty, staff, and students. Topics include: Hazard identification (physical and chemical), Control Measures (including Personal Protective Equipment),  Injury & Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP), Safety Resources, Hazard Report, Accidents & Injuries (Injuries & Medical Treatment, Incident Report), Emergency Procedures (Emergency Action Plan (EAP), Emergency Communications, Emergency Equipment, Emergency Assembly Areas, Emergency Preparedness and Response), Fire & Life Safety (Fire Prevention Plan, Fire Extinguishers), and Earthquake Safety.

    This course covers relevant UC Policy on Management of HSE, UCR Campus Policy 425-58, and Cal/OSHA regulations (Reference: 8 CCR 3380, 3203, 3220, 3221, and 6151). It is a certification and is required every three years. 

    NOTE: This course is now covered in laboratory safety training. If you take Laboratory Safety Orientation, the information is included, you will satisfy this training requirement and will not need to take it.

     Length: 35 min          Type: eCourse (online training)