Campus Building Safety and Emergency Response Teams
Building Supervisors for Emergency Coordinators (BSEC) and Building Emergency Staff (BES).
UCR personnel from campus buildings who serve as the lead point of contact for all emergency program activities. All major campus buildings have an assigned BSEC and at least one BES per floor.
What does a BSEC do?
The Building Supervisor for Emergency Coordinators (BSEC) should be the first one out, going directly to the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA). Once there, this person should then coordinate with their BES’s in the EAA. Prepare to brief important information with first responders. Arrange for support to emergency responders (as needed).
- Coordinate and manage their building’s emergency preparedness activities,
- Participate in training and meetings
- Initiate verification of building evacuation,
- Ensure occupants are in the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA)
- Provide information to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and first responders in an emergency.