Faculty and Instructors
Emergency information for faculty and instructors in the classroom
Resource links:
Campus Map: Emergency Assembly Areas
Emergency Notification System (ENS)
Emergency Procedures Flip Chart
The importance of emergency preparedness extends into the classroom. Students, even in higher education settings, look to the instructor for guidance and definitive action during an emergency. Even in classes as small as five individuals, students expect the instructor to have answers and a clear plan when an emergency occurs.
Faculty and instructors who take a few minutes at the start of each semester to familiarize their students with basic evacuation and emergency procedures will find that they and their students are better prepared for an emergency.
Faculty and instructors are presented with a unique challenge in emergency planning as they travel between buildings and classrooms delivering lectures and guiding lab activities. The following information is intended to serve as a quick reference during emergencies. There is additional information on the Emergency Preparedness Resources page and in the red Emergency Procedures Flip Chart